Integrative psychotherapy..

‘A psychotherapy for the soul’

Psychotherapy for me, is about tending to the needs of the soul in all their weird, wonderful and sometimes scary manifestations. It is vital in modern times, that we reconnect with our soul - not simply in a religious or spiritual sense, but because we are human beings who need to live in a world of depth, connection to ourselves, others, and the wider community. Health and vitality - mental, emotional, physical - won’t be easily found in our modern lives, without a relationship with our inner self, our soul.

These are the areas I specialise in;

Depression / loneliness, grief & loss

Often there is a message in depression, if we can take the time and make the space to listen. Feeling depressed or simply wanting to withdraw from life, can also be a natural response to the environment we live in. Grief and loss need time and space to be worked through and understood.

Anxiety / GAD / Panic disorder

Many aspects of modern life can cause us to feel anxious. It doesn’t make you weak, or unable. I would argue that in many ways it is a natural response to the world we live in. There are also deeper reasons for anxiety that can be explored safely and positively in therapy.

Autism / Asperger’s and High Sensitivity

I have considerable work experience in the mental health / learning disability world. As a therapist I have worked well with many clients on the ASD spectrum. High sensitivity is something that up to 20% of people have innately, and it makes navigating the modern world more difficult if the trait is not recognised, and ultimately embraced.

I also work with co-dependency, PTSD, personality disorders, abuse and trauma.